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Some people destroying pieces of art πŸ˜”

>_> bro what


(Noone tell them)

A moment of silence for all the wonderful creations which perished from the cyan

alright, I'm done now. placing cyan tiles for hours is getting boring


(2 edits) (+1)

I added my game jam's character. Check out Scale2Win by the way


RES123R, main character of Scale2Win
(1 edit) (+3)

I drew a duck... I like ducks.


Added a cute cat


I'm gonna keep a snapshot here for people looking back from the future.

America is now Sharkmerica!


good one

Why i have black  screen


Yep, this is a thing


Welsh Amogus


fuck all gays that are trying to remove 'fuck gays' painting fuck all of you and long live strait guys


that's really hateful my man what did the gays do to you?


he's jealous he can't get any action so he doesn't want anyone else to have any


Fun with plug's : r/terriblefacebookmemes


it was fun replacing A by U, and F by S :3



That's really cool dude!


nice work


It looks like r/place but on It has been revived thanks to you.


it would be a shame if someone changed all the french flags to italian flags

πŸπŸ• Italia menzionata! πŸπŸ•

(1 edit) (+1)

I wonder what the other people online are doing right now, I cant seem to find them changing pixels. Also I wish there were more colors


Neat Game


Fun, cool, works great!


alright this is it for the day


3 hours spent well


(2 edits) (+2)

I joined in with some of that at one point. Also I helped make chevron-rainbows in the top right of the screen today (a little)



Super cool!!


Hope to see characters from the winning jam games placed here before they're revealed!

maybe itll be my game's character :)

Thanks to this comment, I added my character for this jam just in case my game won


see if you can find my jam game's character :) overall, really cool thing, r/place does fit the 'scale' theme quite well!


This is really sick!!!!




LDTK game jam?


what's that?


Really cool idea. I love the mini community it creates without spoken words, eg me opening it and seeing a red amogus so I draw a blue one next to it, and then someone else draws a green one, etc.


Love this!



 we do a bit of sus things

we do a bit of "EXPANDING"


Having lots of fun placing a rainbow border, cool awersome powerful game ! 


I am really missing the colour pink, I did my best, trans rights


oh hell yea 

Hotfix: now you can't open more than 2 connections from the same PC, to avoid ppl abusing multiple windows to spam without cooldown



great game

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